A derelict building, symbolising the blog of late!

I’d forgive you if you thought that I’d shut up shop and abandoned this blog altogether… it’s been a while since I last posted. I’ll be honest, I hadn’t realised quite how long it had been until I reviewed the date of my most recent post this week. Two weeks without any content is bad enough. Nearly two months is quite unforgivable ? So, time for an update.

First, an apology. Second, an (attempted) explanation.

An Apology…

It was always my intention for this blog to be a steady stream of information, news, and experience from my day-to-day encounters with Microsoft Cloud. I’m at the (relative) bleeding edge of all things Microsoft, it seems a shame to waste that by not shouting about the things I love, and get involved with, as much as possible. Naturally though, that “day-to-day” gets in the way on occasion(!). Balance is a fine thing, but it’s not always difficult to juggle the demands of work / home / family / rest / play…

The reality is that I just haven’t had the time (or motivation) in recent weeks to get content finished and up. Yes… I can hear that violin too! ?

On a personal level, I enjoy the challenges of time-management, self-discipline, continuous development etc. I spend a portion of my time reading books and articles that focus on " bettering" myself. With hindsight, I’ve considered this site a side-project more than a priority to date. This is something I want to remedy moving forwards, putting some of those principles into practice here. I’d welcome anyone reading to direct me back to this paragraph if I slip again… 😉

An Explanation…

Life has been crazy busy - both at home, and at work. Some of you will know that I had an update in my work life recently. Having previously worked in a Pre-Sales / Technical Lead capacity at Transparity, I’ve now take on the role of Head of Technology. Whilst that’s hugely exciting, managing old and new responsibilities during the ongoing transition has led to some long days. It’s also put pressure on time that would otherwise have been spent curating content for here.

We’ve also entered silly season for holidays, of which I include my own 🙂 We (the family and I) have just returned from a week in Portugal which led to some much needed rest. I didn’t give a thought to blogging, very little to tweeting, and took the opportunity to reset…

So… where are we now? Well, I’m hopeful that the peak of “crazy busy” is over. I’m also hopeful that the half-dozen or so part-written blog posts I have in my drafts folder will see the light of day soon. Next month (ish!) is Future Decoded here in the UK - I will be presenting at least a couple of sessions at that event. I’m also very much looking forward to attending Microsoft Ignite in November.

In short, I expect normal service to resume - at least soon. I have some great pending content, and more will follow post-Ignite. Thank you to those who have been visiting / reading posts - there’s been a consistent volume of visitors to the site. For those returning hoping to see new posts… stay tuned!